Anika is 3 months old today!!! I won't have any updated statistics until next month (her 4 month check-up is Feb. 23rd), but she is certainly growing and exploring and delighting us every day. She's been sleeping from about 10pm to between 4:30am and 6:30am for a few weeks now. After she eats, she's back down until about 10am - we are very happy to have this little sleeper!!! We have discovered that swaddling is awesome for getting and keeping her asleep. She has become a bit of a Houdini with regard to escaping her swaddle, but the other night Ben invented a new containment technique to keep Little Miss A contained. The inspiration came from Thanks, Jori, for the tip! As Ben mentioned in the Christmas Eve post, Anika has been a champ with her playset. Here's a video of her showing off her stellar bapping ability and her rock-hard abs - leg lifts are nothing for this kiddo!
And, here is her official 3-month picture on her quilt!
I also had Miss A do a couple of her tricks today...
Here she is doing a modified tummy time with her boppy. She really enjoys looking at the octopus mirror!
Bumbo seat time! Anika has been holding her head up so well and her bumbo time has been getting longer and longer.
For the sake of comparison, here she is right before Christmas...tipping over :-)
I've been trying to take pictures of Anika with her eyes open, but I just had to take this one a few minutes ago - I'm on the couch writing this blog entry, and she is snoozing away next to me. What a peaceful little girl!
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