Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Girl Time

Believe it or not, I did get a little bit of "Malinda Time" before the holidays.  Granted, Anika was attached to me, but the mere fact that I went into a scrapbooking store that I've been jonesing to get to for over a year was awesome.  Let alone going to 2 pottery places on top of the scrapbooking store!

After Thanksgiving, Ben's other brother, Chris, and his wife, Carol, came out to visit us.  Ben and Chris set up their computers in the kitchen and were able to work while Carol and I ventured out into the world of the Western Slope.  Carol got on-the-job-Aunt-training while she tried to keep me and Anika together on our first Girls Day Out.  We hit some stores, ate some pizza, and got lasagna makings for when we got home. 

Just look at the variety of papers behind us!  I'm excited just looking at this photo!

The 3 of us painting our pottery...yup, Anika got into the fun, too!

I'm cleaning off Anika's foot - we painted a frame for Ben and Anika put her footprint on it.
I have always thought baby feet are so cute!

Yup - Anika looks like she had fun, too :-)

I think Carol had a good time getting some baby experience, and Anika had a good time getting out and about with us.  I think this last photo sums up our time together pretty well.

1 comment:

Jori said...

Girl time is FUN!!! You guys definitely aren't bored (or boring), are ya :) LOL!!